solutions & vendors
July 2024
As a premier IT distributor, CloudReady Solutions continues to adaptand grow to cater to the distinctiveneeds of businesses in Australia,New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands.We are excited to announce theaddition of a new vendor to ourportfolio - Nakivo Backup andReplication, enhancing ourcommitment to deliveringcomprehensive and robust solutionsfor our customers.Nakivo Backup and Replication is arespected name in the industry,offering high-performance, reliable,and cost-effective data protectionsolutions for virtual, physical, cloud,and SaaS environments. This newaddition complements our existingarray of top-tier vendors, includingArcserve, QSAN, StarWind, Kalibr8,Rackcorp, Replify, and Cibecs,ensuring we continue to deliverexceptional service, technicalexpertise, and value to ourcustomers.WWe are also thrilled to announcethat Cloud Ready Solutions wasrecently awarded the ANZ VARDistributor of the Year by Arcserve atthe Arcserve Partner Summit in NewCaledonia. This honor underscoresour dedication to providing robustdata protection solutions and ourcommitment to our partnership withArcserve, a Tier 1 backup vendorknown for its reliable and scalablebackup and disaster recovery options.Our portfolio continues to offer acomprehensive range of solutions.QSAN specializes in providing SAN andNAS solutions tailored to meet theperformance and capacity needs ofsmall and medium-sized businesses.StarWind is a leading provider ofvirtual storage solutions, while Kalibr8offers cloud optimization tools to helpbusinesses maximize their cloudinvestments.Hello Partner!Welcome to the Cloud Ready Solutions June 2024brochure!
Rackcorp Cloud Hosting remains thego-to place for running mission-critical systems that requireguaranteed performance andreliability. Replify provides WAN andSD-WAN acceleration solutions thathelp remote workers stay connectedand productive, and Cibecs continuesto be a leading provider of dataprotection and encryption solutionsfor endpoint devices.We look forward to helping you succeed.Regards!Nicholas Gee & Kelly von der Heyden FoundersAt Cloud Ready Solutions, ourcommitment to providing ourcustomers with the best possible ITsolutions and services remainssteadfast. Contact us today to learnmore about how we can help yourbusiness thrive in this ever-evolvingdigital landscape. Contact Us
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Technology Vendors Cloud Ready Storage Starwind Cibecs Arcserve PulseWay RackCorp Kalibr8 StoneFly QSAN Nimesa Replify Nakivo
StoneFly DR365V™Disaster Recovery Site in a Boxwww.stonefly.comwww.iscsi.comStoneFly DR365V™VirtualEnvironmentsWith threats like ransomware/malware on the rise and thetraditional threats, like hardware failure, power failure,accidental/malicious deletion etc., persisting, downtime andoutages concerns are continuously rising. Downtime and dataloss results in loss of revenue, productivity, customers, andeven brand reputation. For IT environments it is imperative toensure that in the event of a disaster, the business can recoverwith minimum downtime. DR365V™ - StoneFly’s Veeam readyappliance delivers simplified backup and disaster recovery tomake sure that the enterprise workloads are more durable tothreats and are easily recoverable. IT environments can easilyrecover their mission critical workloads with services like FullVM (Virtual Machine) Recovery and Instant VM Recovery. Backup is not a luxury, rather a necessity - enterprises big andsmall, that heavily rely on IT are well aware of this. Whetherit’s internal documents, customer-facing marketinginformation, or fast changing transaction - it’s important for theenterprise and needs to be protected. If this data is lost, thenit’s a disaster in itself and can lead to even more disastrousconsequences if not restored in reasonable time. Complex backup and disaster recovery solutions make it difficult to ensure recoverability with minimum RTOs and RPOs. StoneFly DR365™ employs enterprise-leveltechnology and data services to deliver 1-click instant recovery with RTPOs (RTOs and RPOs) of less than 15 minutesPhysical Servers WorkstationsDR365V™ delivers backup and DR for physical servers, workstations,virtual environments and all kinds of enterprise workloads. Disasters are unpredictable and you neverknow which resources will be available to youwhen disaster strikes. To make sure that youalways have a way to recover your data andcontinue mission-critical operations, DR365V™enables IT enivornments to not just backup on-premises but also setup their backups inMicrosoft Azure cloud using cloud connectservices. Empowered by Veeam’s enterprise-level software, DR365V™ provides access toMicrosoft Azure cloud. Users can replicate theirworkloads to the cloud and recover instantlywhenever necessary - from anywhere, anytime.Protect Enterprise Workloads DR365V™ makes Backup & DR easy and cost effectiveDowntime & Outage is Costly - Whether for Minutesor HoursDR365V™ enables IT environments to recover data - anywhere, anytimeBe prepared for Anything withDR365V™ Protect your data with on-premises appliance & in thecloudStoneFly DR365V™ - Delivers High Performance for Enterprise IT environments Cost Effectively
About StoneFlyStoneFly, Inc. (StoneFly) was founded as a venture-backed startup in April, 2006 to deliveron the vision of simple and affordable storage optimization and disaster recoveryprotection through IP Storage Area Network (IP SAN) solutions.Based in California,StoneFly is a subsidiary of Dynamic Network Factory, Inc. (DNF), a leading maker of highperformance network attached storage (NAS), storage area networks (SAN), RAID andiSCSI systems. In addition to IP Storage Solutions, StoneFly has developed a series ofUnified Storage and Server (USS™) and Unified Scale-Out (USO™) NAS products, providing aone stop solution to datacenter sprawl. StoneFly is a member of the Storage NetworkingIndustry Association (SNIA) and a founding member of the IP Storage Institute (IPSI).Key features of StoneFly DR365V™ - The Ultimate Business ContinuitySolutionStoneFly DR365V™ - Available Hardware Options and ConfigurationsDR365-1203DR365V™ liberates ITenvironments from the“fixed hardware model” ofthe past by providing aVirtual SAN appliance(StoneFly SCVM™). Theappliance enables theallocation of resources(CPU, memory, storageetc.) as required by the ITenvironment.If you’re looking for a costeffective and enterprise-levelsolution that ensures highavailability and businesscontinuity for enterpriseworkloads, then look no further.Send us an email or give us a calland we’ll deliver a customizedsolution for your needs. DR365-1603Asynchronous Replication To deliver a complete businesscontinuity and disaster recoverysolution, DR365V™ offers optionalAsynchronous replication to a remotesite or to the cloud. This enables usersto restore their VMs, backups, andallows them to protect their data off-site. As with the mirror appliance,users can choose to replicate databack to a primary DR365V™ appliance(failback), or perform bare metalrecoveries on replacements of themalfunctioning appliance, in the eventof a disaster. Delta-Based Snapshot Feature VMs installed on DR365V™, along withtheir hyper-converged storage, areprotected using StoneFly’s advandeddelta-based snapshot technology. Thistechnology allows users to recover a VM,file or volume from up to 63 points intime. This is in addition to the full,incremental or differential backupimages created by the BackupManagement Engine. Users can easilyrestore files that have been accidentallydeleted, incorrectly modified, corruptedor infected by ransomware/malware.DR365-2403Dual Data Deduplication EnginesData deduplication offers greatpotential to enhance utilization ratesand deliver substantial and recurringimpact on the cost and manageabilityof data growth. This enables users toeffectively leverage existing resourcesand eliminates the need to acquireunnecessary additional storageresources thereby eliminiatingunnecessary cost implications.Deduplication makes the entirebackup and DR solution affordableand manageable. Synchronous Replication (CampusMirroring) DR365V™ delivers real-timesynchronous mirroring of VMs,backups, and iSCSI storage to asecondary DR365V™ appliance(campus mirroring) on your premisesusing Local Area Network (LAN). Thisallows the user to have a full andidentical copy of everything on theprimary backup & DR appliance.Delta-based snapshots on thesecondary appliance maintain poiintin time recovery. DR365-2403XDR365V™ supports P2P, P2V, V2Pand V2V operations DR365V™ enables restoration of -physical machines to completelydifferent hardware and - virtualmachines to a completely differenthypervisor. IT environments canchoose any kind of restorationbecause DR365V™ supportsphysical-to-physical (P2P), physical-to-virtual (P2V), virtual-to-physical(V2P), and virtual-to-virtual (V2V).DR365V™ is flexible and adaptable tovariable requirements and suits allkinds of IT environments.DR365V™ simplifies resourcemanagement by offering acustomizable dashboard andregular reporting. Users canorganize their dashboardsand reports in accordance totheir requirements to ensureenhanced productivity andbusiness continuity. What should you doOn-demand ResourceAllocationSimplified & EffectiveManagementInternal DrivesForm Factor &DimensionsStorageCapacities perChassisInternal DrivesForm Factor &DimensionsStorageCapacities perChassisInternal DrivesForm Factor &DimensionsStorageCapacities perChassisInternal DrivesForm Factor &DimensionsStorageCapacities perChassisTwelve 3.5” for storage plus two2.5” Mirrored OS drivesSAS 7200RPM: Up to 120TBSAS 10K RPM: Up to 21.6 TB SAS 15K RPM: Up to 7.2TB SSD: Up to 9.6TBSupports up to 256 drives (2.5 PB)2U Rackmount 3.5” x 17.2” x 25.5”89 x 437 x 648 mmSixteen 3.5” for storage plustwo 2.5” Mirrored OS drivesSAS 7200RPM: Up to 160TBSAS 10K RPM: Up to 28.8 TB SAS 15K RPM: Up to 9.6TB SSD: Up to 30.7TBSupports up to 256 drives (2.5 PB)3U Rackmount 5.2” x 17.2” x 25.5”132 x 437 x 648 mmTwenty-four 3.5” for storage plustwo 2.5” Mirrored OS drivesSAS 7200RPM: Up to 240TBSAS 10K RPM: Up to 43.2 TB SAS 15K RPM: Up to 14.4TB SSD: Up to 46TBSupports up to 256 drives (2.5 PB)4U Rackmount 7” x 17.2” x 26.5”178 x 437 x 673 mmTwenty-four 2.5” for storage plustwo 2.5” Mirrored OS drivesSAS 10K RPM: Up to 43.2 TB SAS 15K RPM: Up to 14.4TB SSD: Up to 46TBSupports up to 256 drives (2.5 PB)2U Rackmount 3.5” x 17.2” x 24.8”89 x 437 x 630 mmCentralized Backup & RecoverySolution DR365V™ appliance enables ITenvironments to deploy and run VirtualMachines (VMs) directly on the backupappliance. In addition to that, theappliance can backup your physicalworkstations, servers, and theirattached storage devices. DR365V™also enables you to instantly recoverBare-metal image backups of physicalservers in the event of a disaster todeliver continuity while you repair theserver.
About NIMESAYour application in the cloud is more than data. Nimesa is a cloud-nativeapplication recovery platform. It helps you recover your application data andconfiguration in a different region/account in minutes at a fraction of the cost.Nimesa helps you fully automate the disaster recovery plan of your applicationsrunning on AWS.We provide Air-Gapped Backup and DR solution for the cloud native applicationsVPCREGION 1Prod AccountAvailability ZoneSnapshot Snapshot SnapshotAWSKMSScheduled BackupAWSKMSREGION 2Nimesa EC2DR AccountAvailability ZoneVPCSnapshot Snapshot SnapshotAir GapNIMESA ARCHITECTURE
BENEFITS OF NIMESADR and ComplianceApplication ConsistentBackupsReduce CostAir-Gapped ProtectionNimesa helps in multiple ways toreduce costs like implementing amulti-region DR plan at a fractionof the cost, intelligent powermanagement, and visibility of theenvironment.Many organizations still run theircritical databases on EC2instances. Nimesa providesapplication-consistent backupsand granular recovery ofdatabases. It provides recovery ofdatabases in minutes irrespectiveof size.AWS multi-region DR strategy isrequired to meet compliancerequirements and businesscontinuity during region-wideoutages. Nimesa helps inrelaunching all the requiredcomponents with data in adifferent region. It helps in doingperiodic DR drills to generatedifferent reports for audit.Backups are essential for anyenterprise to protect against dataloss, comply with regulations,maintain its reputation, ensurebusiness continuity, and savecosts. Nimesa provides secure andAir-Gapped backups and helpsyou recover with ease.
NIMESA Supported AWS ServicesWHY NIMESA?Your application in the cloud is more than data. Nimesa protects AWSenvironments from catastrophic downtime due to region failures, ransomware,human errors, and other disasters. Nimesa supports all common applicationarchitectures and helps in recovering the complete environment in minutes.
Arcserve Data Backup & Protection SolutionsLive MigrationShadowProtectContinuous AvailabilityUnified Data Protection(UDP)BackupEmail ArchivingSolutions SecuredBy SophosData Protection SoftwareWhatever your objectives, Arcserve data backup and protection solutions canhelp you manage and protect critical business data across your systems andapplications, on your premises, and in your clouds. Cloud Ready has beendistributing Arcserve since 2014. It is widely recognised as an expert in Sales,deployment and support of the extensive Arcserve range.Continuous image-basedbackups enable fast, easy,reliable disaster recovery insmaller environmentsAsynchronous, real-timeprotection and heartbeat-powered automatic failoverto prevent downtime anddata lossNon-disruptive orchestrationand migration of data, apps,and workloads to the cloudand any other infrastructureHeterogeneous, complete data backup and disasterrecovery for cloud, virtual andphysical workloads with built-in deduplicationIntegrated cyber and dataprotection foron-premises, cloud, andSaaS-based dataPurpose-built to easilysearch, retrieve,and export emails for legaland regulatorycomplianceComprehensive enterprise-grade backup storagemanagement and backup totape, disk, and cloud
Data Protection AppliancesImmutable Storage AppliancesArcserve X SeriesArcserve 9000 SeriesArcserve OneXafe 4500Arcserve N SeriesScale-out, immutablestorage for unstructureddata and backup targetsIntegrated cyber and dataprotection with multi-petabyte scalabilityPrevent, protect, andimmunize with an allinone platform fordisaster recovery, backup,cybersecurity, andapplication availabilityHyperconverged Dataprotection. Powered by Nutanix. Secured bySophos.
Arcserve SaaS Backup is a comprehensive solution to protect data hosted in SaaS application clouds. Acloud-native, cloud-to-cloud backup, solution built to protect data hosted in SaaS application clouds such asMicrosoft 365, Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) now renamed as ‘Microsoft Entra ID’, MicrosoftDynamics 365, Salesforce, and Google Workspace. SaaS vendors operate on a shared responsibility model, which means obligations are shared between the vendor and thecustomer, on aspects relating to security & others. SaaS vendors own the cloud infrastructure stack and all primary componentsthat make up the service such as, physical infra, network controls, operating system that hosts the application, controls for theapplication offered as a service, hardware components and others. However, ‘data’, the critical component that powers thebusiness and central to the service’s relevance is the organization’s responsibility. DatasheetIntroductionResponsibility includes accountability for data stored, classification of data, managing compliance requirements, securing, and protecting data, apart from other obligations required of data owners. “Gartner1 forecasts security breaches, for at least one major SaaS vendor, causing irreparable data loss and interruptions to business costing organizations more than $100 million, by 2025”This responsibility applies to:4 Customers leveraging SaaS applications to support their business needs4 Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offering services to their customers 4 IT Solution Providers or large MSPs serving multiple MSPs Complete Data Protection Saas Vendʼors ResponsibilitySaaS User'sResponsibilityDataBusiness ContinuityApplicationHardwareNetworkRecords ManagementData RestoreComplianceData ProtectionOperating SystemAvailability, regions & zonesPatch ManagementBurden restson the userto protecttheir data
Exchange OnlineOneDrive Teams & GroupsSharePointPublic Folders UsersGroupsRole assignmentsAdmin unitsAudit logsSign-in logs GmailTeam Drive Docs SheetsSlides Azure AD enterprise appsAzure AD app registrationsConditional access policiesIntune device compliance policiesIntune device configuration profilesBitlocker key protectors DriveSitesCalendarTasks TicketsUsersGroupsOrganizations SalesMarketingField ServiceProject Service Automation Customer Service ViewsMacrosAutomationsTriggersDatasheetFull coverage forStandard and custom object protection:Complete protection for popular apps:500+ objects of popular applications:Arcserve SaaS Backup offers complete protection for data stored in Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure AD, Microsoft Dynamics 365,Salesforce, and Google Workspace. Arcserve SaaS Backup - salient points:A simple setup that takes under 5 minutes, prior to starting protection. A single pane of glass, with Multi-Tenant and Role- Based Access Controls (RBAC), makes navigation super-fast, while offering complete control over the protected data.Immutable backups, using a blockchain-based algorithm, offers organizations the ability to retrieve an unaltered copy of the data. Ransomware attacks, malware or malicious users have potential to cause severe harm to data; immutable backup offers a strong last line of defense..Most cost-effective solution with a single price per seat that includes all SaaS data protection functionalities.• Custom backup retention settings to meet your compliance requirements• Limitless data storage in an online cloud tier, allowing fast access & restores• No additional charges for data traffic: ingress, egress or transaction feesSecure, scalable, and available by design: Data in transit and data at rest is encrypted with a default 30-day delete- retention. Four copies of the backup data in 2 different datacenters within the same region, guarantee data sovereignty and redundancy.A snapshot of Arcserve SaaS Backup’s vendor coverage:SalesforceMicrosoft Azure ADGoogle Workspace ZenDeskMicrosoft Dynamics 365---------------------------------- AccountsActivities Campaigns Campaign MembersCases & Contacts Leads Notes Opportunities Custom Objects Other Standard Object---------------
Automatic backup and unlimited storage for your Google Workspace dataWe offer a simple, yet powerful, backup and recovery solution to protect your Google Workspace data from internal errors, ransomware or other cybercrime. Thecoverage includes:Experience a fully cloud-based solution that offers secure and seamless backup, search, and restore capabilities. Benefit from unlimited storage, customizableretention policies, and automatic detection of new users. Enjoy free data archiving for inactive users and effortless granular and point-in-time restoration. With role-based access management, you have control over data access. Rest assured, our solution is compliant with regulatory requirements, ensuring peace of mind.GmailGoogleDriveTeam DriveDocs, Sheets &SlidesCalendar &TasksForms SitesExclusively dedicated tosecuring SaaS data,Arcserve SaaS Backup’sproprietary cloud is designedto ensure data availability —always.Effortlessly navigate through yourGoogle Workspace applications andswiftly retrieve data within seconds,even in the event of a comprehensivedisaster recovery. Whether it's anemail, an individual user, or an entireuser account, you have the capabilityto restore anything you need.Never worry about coverage costsor hidden surprises with simpleand transparent pricing that savesyou money.•Admin &software savings•Drop unnecessary costs•Maintenance included•No hidden costs – storage,ingress, egress or retired users•Revolutionary storage•Scale with ease A universal service that coversall your SaaS data protectionneeds. Loved by admins for itsease of use, no trainingrequired. Simplicity that willsave you time.When you back up your data usingArcserve, it becomes instantly immuneto ransomware and, as a result,impossible to delete. Our storage andfile system, backed by blockchainverification, guarantees unmatchedsecurity protection.Restore your data in seconds withour unique search and restorefeatures, based on ultra-fastindexing and reindexing algorithms.•Rapid Search & discovery•Preview files securely•Secure file sharing•Recover data intelligently•Complete and granular recovery Experience the advantage of ahassle-free installation that requiresno training. With our solution, you canset it up and forget about it. Enjoy thesimplicity of paying a single flat feeper seat, with no hidden costs,including unlimited data storage. Andas your needs evolve and expand,effortlessly scale up to accommodatethem.Described by analysts as industry-leading, our platform is purpose-builtfrom the ground up for ultimatesecurity. Prevent attackers frommanipulating your backups andminimizes the risk of data breachwith reliable securityData AvailabilityCost EffectiveSimplicity First Instant RecoveryAlways SecureW H Y G L O B A L C O M P A N I E S P L A C E T H E I R T R U S T I N U S
ProductionDatastore AI/ML & HPCFLASHOPTIMIZEDBLOCKSTORAGEHYBRIDBLOCKSTORAGEProductionDatastoreBackupSurveillanceUNIFIEDSTORAGEProductionDatastoreFile SharingBackupMedia EditingSurveillanceFILESTORAGEDatastoreFile SharingBackupArchiveDisasterRecoveryAs a forward-looking IT industry pioneer committed to data protection, QSANcreates simple, safe, reliable, and uninterrupted storage services for business-es of all sizes. In addition, QSAN’s high-cost performance ratio makes enter-prise-grade storage solutions available for SMEs and Mid-market businesses. QSAN’s range features a wide range of NAS, SAN, DAS and All Flash Arrays.Cloud Ready distribute and support all available models but recommend thefollowing models:XCubeFAS XCubeSAN XCubeNXT XCubeNASBLOCK STORAGE FILE STORAGE
XCubeNXT 8000D SeriesXCubeNAS 8000 Series Network Attached StorageUltra-high Performance and Virtualization Ready NASMidrange Highly Available Unified Storage for BusinessesWith all enterprise-level features and SMB-friendly prices, the industry-leading XCubeNXT is the best-unified storage for SMBs.XCubeNXT is the industry-leading enterprise unified storage that creates value beyond midrange with an SMB-friendly price.Available with 12 - 26 Drive Bays, the modular design XCubeNXT 8000D Series features Highly Available “everything”, ensuring zero downtime even during hardware maintenance.• XCubeNAS 8000 Series is an ideal and economical storage solution used as shared network storage or IP-SAN storage for virtualization environments. Of- ficially certified with VMware® Ready, Citrix® Ready, and Microsoft® Hyper-V, XCubeNAS is a stable and efficient data storage system.• XCubeNAS 8000 Series ranges from 8 to 26 drive bays, with some models offering an additional 4 SATA & 2 NVME SSD bays in the rear.
CPUIntel® Xeon® 6-core Scalable Processor RAM16GB DDR4 RDIMM (Max 384GB)Optimize Price and Performance for SMB WorkloadsUltra Performance 450K Random Write IOPs @ 500μs Latency 220K Random Write IOPs @ 300μs LatencyMidrange Highly Available Unified Storage for BusinessesThe XCubeSAN range expands fromthe cost-effective 1200 Series to theextreme performance 5200 Series forMission-Critical Environments. TheXCubeSAN 3300 Series provides theperfect balance of Performance andPrice for SMB Workloads.All XCubeSAN Series offers 12-26 Bayconfigurations and Single or DualCon- troller Options with a highlyavailable modular design.Active-ActiveArchitecture Dual-Active DesignQSAN XS3300 series is a high performance, simple, secure, scalable and af- fordable SAN storage system for the SMB market Outstanding performance is ideal for modern enterprise applications such as virtualization, media editing, large scale surveillance, and backup.XCubeSAN Storage Area NetworkXCubeFAS. The Best Entry-Level Flash StorageITPro.ReviewEDITOR’S CHOISE QSAN Portfolio Video
Hybrid Performance for Modern Enterprise ApplicationsXCubeSAN 5300 SeriesThe QSAN XS5300 series is a robust storage system perfect for mission-critical data centers and high performance computing applications. Featuring ultra- high performance capabilities, scalability, affordability, and security properties all in one solution - this SAN technology will ensure your business operations run seamlessly without significant time or financial investment.Each XS5300 controller has two host card slots that can be configured as iSCSI, Fibre Channel, or a mix of both besides built-in 4- port 10GbE iSCSI. As a result, the series offers great flexibility with built-in 8-port 10 GbE iSCSI and up to 24 host ports in a dual- controller system. In addition, the system provides massive scale-up capabilities by connecting XCubeDAS or 3rd-party expansion units, which can be expanded according to your needs.QSAN strives to bring businesses of all sizes the best storage technologies available. Its XCubeSAN product line offers a powerful and reliable solution, delivering maximum IOPS and throughput for even the most demanding applications -- no matter your budget or performance needs. Experience enterprise-level high-performance using hybrid drives featuring traditional HDDs with faster SSDs designed to optimize any setup you choose.
Hardware solutionsSoftware solutionFree tools HCI Appliance Virtual SAN (VSAN) V2V Converter / P2V Migrator HCA for Video Surveillance Virtual HCI Appliance Deduplication Analyzer Backup Appliance Virtual Tape Library (VTL) Tape Redirector VTL Appliance NVMe-oF Initiator RDMA Performance BenchmarkStarWind HyperconvergenceStarWind is a hyperconverged (HCI) vendor with focus on Enterprise ROBO,SMB & Edge. The StarWind product range includes pre-configuredhardware appliances and software solutions for building a hyperconvergedinfrastructure that ensures maximum performance and uptime formission-critical applications and services.The Best Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) for Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge
StarWind HCI Appliance The Best Hyperconverged (HCI) Appliance for Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge StarWind HCI Appliance (HCA) is a modern data centerbuilding block that converges compute, storage, networking,virtualization software, and management into affordable,powerful and easy to-use hyperconverged platform. What makes StarWind HCI Appliance stand out? More than Support: StarWind “babysits” customer’s IT infrastructure, proactivelypreventing issues from occurring rather than treating errors as they arise.Value for Money: StarWind unlocks crucial features of top-tier, enterprise-level systems atbudget-friendly prices and in minimalist sizes, starting from just 2 nodes.Built to Last: StarWind software, Dell servers, all-NVMe, and GPU-accelerated I/O ensurestellar performance, resulting in an extended IT infrastructure lifespan of more than 7years. StarWind Virtual HCI Appliance Enjoy all the benefits of StarWind HCI Appliance withoutinvesting into the proprietary hardware. You may obtain thesoftware, the exact set of components powering StarWindvirtualization platform, pre-packaged and ready to be installedon your own hardware.What’s under the hood? A choice of supported hypervisors (VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Proxmox VE, or StarWind’sflavor of KVM), in-house developed storage virtualization software (StarWind Virtual SAN), pushing dataover the proven iSCSI or cutting-edge NVMe-oF, with the help of RDMA technology (if available), anintuitive web management, AI-powered telemetry services, and a “call home” system.
StarWind Virtual SAN The Best Virtual SAN (VSAN) for Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge StarWind Virtual SAN is the “software replaces hardware” for SAN. It's an essentialcomponent of the hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), a labor reducer and a major costsaver. StarWind VSAN eliminates the need for physical shared storage, essentially replacingtraditional SAN. VSAN combines flash and disks of the cluster and forms a virtual sharedstorage pool accessible by all hosts. What makes StarWind VSAN stand out? Less hardware, Less labor, Less pain: StarWind cuts CapEx by eliminating the need forextra hardware and lowers OpEx with its “one throat to choke” support, freeing up thecustomer's IT team. Automated Self-Healing: ProActive Premium Support with AI-powered telemetry servicesand ‘call home’ system, combined with ZFS self-healing, provide maximum reliabilitywithout customer intervention.Exceptional Simplicity: StarWind requires no special knowledge, can be deployed on thehypervisor of choice, and gets up and running in minutes.
StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL) The Best Air-Gapped, Immutable & Ransomware-Proof Backup & Archive Target StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL) is the “software replaces hardware” for tapelibraries. It’s a critical component of the contemporary backup and archive infrastructureHow does StarWind VTL work? StarWind uses proprietary tape emulation software, combined with a high-capacityinexpensive spinning disks, flash memory, and a public cloud of choice to create avirtual tape library. It seamlessly integrates with an existing tape-centric backupinfrastructure to create a powerful, immutable, and air-gapped ransomware-proofbackup and archive target.StarWind VTL provides flexible deployment options to fit your existing environment andcan be installed as a Windows-based application, a ready-to-go Linux-based virtualmachine, or a Linux bare-metal service.Supported cloud storage providers:
PC Migration ProThe easiest, fastest PC migration while the user works.White labelled PC migration for OEMs, System Integrators, MSPs andLarge Resellers
PC Migration Pro: Key FeaturesPC Migration Pro transfers all of the user’s data and their profile settings to a newcomputer while the user continues to work. Simply run an update migration whenthe user is ready to switch to the new computer and the user can start using the newcomputer exactly as they were before.IT Technicians can monitor the migration from the new device and since it’s fullyautomated, they can easily run multiple migrations at the same time.The automated device-to-device data transfer eliminates the need for external harddrives or manually copying files, and you don’t run the risk of losing any user files.A faster and simpler way to migrate users to a newcomputer while they continue to work.Migration is setup in seconds and can beremotely monitored from the new computer.Migrations happen while users continue to workand when you are ready to hand over the device,simply do an update migration to bring across anynew work or changes.Device-to-device migration reduces requirementfor additional storage. Securely migrate allbusiness and personal data directly between twodevices.The migration transfers all the user’s files and theirprofile including system and application settings.Easy 1-click remote migrationFull device-to-device migrationLive migration while the user worksMigrate all files and profile settings
The user continues to work during the migration meaning no moreuser down time during the migration process.All the data including business & personal as well as configuration and settings ismigrated without missing anything eliminating the risk of data loss.Device-to-device migrations improves security by eliminating databeing copied to an external hard drive.PC Migration Pro: BenefitsFully automated to save time instead of a manual, tedious process, allowingtechnicians to run multiple migrations at the same time.Easy unique customer license code can be used for the number of licensed devices making it easy for multipletechnicians to useSupport for all versions of Microsoft Windows (Windows 7 to 11)Easily link two devices through a simple to use link codeRemotely start and monitor migration from new deviceDevice-to-device migration over networkBest network-route discovery finds best network connection for transferSmall file optimization significantly improves speed of transferring hundreds of thousands of small filesLive migrations (perform a full migration with an update migration of any changed files)Automatically open/close Windows firewallAutomatic connection retry-abilityMigrate all data (including business and personal)Shortcut (Desktop, Documents) migration to new locationsMigrate Cloud Drive locationsProfile MigrationTask bar settings, Windows Folder options, Network drivesMicrosoft Outlook: All email accounts, PST files, Email signaturesPC Migration Pro: All FeaturesPC Migration Pro: Live MigrationInstall PC Migration on the old and new computerSimply run an update migration of any changed files when the user is ready to switch to thenew computerEnter your link code to easily link the two devicesThe user can continue working while the migration is monitored on the new computerA R B 7 3 9
PC Migration Pro: Demo
Cloud Ready Storage offers a single storage tier that fits all your needs, eliminating the complexity caused by first-generation cloud storage providers that offer confusing tiered storage services with varying performance characteristics, price points, and SLAs. With Cloud Ready Storage, you can simplify your data storage implementations and enjoy extremely affordable, fast, and reliable cloud object storage that caters to any purpose. Say goodbye to the confusion and frustration of tiered storage and say hello to a simple, straightforward storage solution that delivers the performance and reliability you need.Arcserve UDP 9.x with Cloud Console introduces “Cloud Datastore” for Object Based Storage in the Cloud. This presents an incredibly simple Offsite Data retention solution that offers infinite capacity for long term retention. StarWind VTL can be used to as a alternate-to-tape backup destination for a majority of tape backup platforms. StarWind VTL features Cloud Replicator which manages the process of using the cloud for offsite tape retention for bulletproof airgapped protection. QSAN Cloud backup ensures that you can back up your data to Cloud Ready Storage. You can build a hybrid cloud which allows you to access and back up the files on mobile devices, PCs, or thin clients anytime and anywhere. QSAN Unified Storage can be a cloud gateway to bridge your public cloud and private content and act as a central access point.We are thrilled to share that Cloud Ready has partnered with Wasabi to deliver reliable and affordable cloud storage solutions to our partners and clients. Cloud Ready Storage is now powered by Wasabi, the world's most reliable and cost-effective cloud storage provider. This partnership allows us to offer our clients the peace of mind that their data is stored securely in the cloud, while also delivering exceptional performance and affordability. With Cloud Ready Storage powered by Wasabi, our clients can expect nothing but the best in cloud storage solutions..Cloud Datastore for Arcserve UDP 9.x Starwind VTL Tape retentionQSAN Cloud Backup Cloud Storage that make tiers invisible and data storage affordableCloud Ready storage compatible Solutions
Bottomless Hybrid Cloud File Storage Powered by Wasabi Unlock valuable storage space and reduce costs with Infinite Cloud NAS. Did you know that 75-90% of unstructured data is considered "cold" and takes up valuable on- premises storage space? With our solution, over 80% of a corporation's unstructured data can be offloaded to lower-cost Wasabi cloud storage, freeing up space for additional data growth. Plus, our easy-to-use policies let you automatically transfer files to the cloud based on your own specifications. Whether it's when your on-premises storage reaches capacity or after a specific amount of time, you can ensure your "cold data" is stored efficiently. With the option to instantly transfer data to the cloud upon saving, you can rest assured that your data is always secure andavailable. Try Infinite Cloud NAS today and experience the benefits for yourself! Scalability: CRS Infinite NAS can easily scale up or down to meet changing storage needs. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses that need to store large amounts of data but don't want to invest in expensive hardware.Cost-Effectiveness: CRS Infinite NAS is significantly less expensive than traditional on- premises storage solutions. This is because businesses only pay for the storage they use, rather than having to invest in expensive hardware and maintenance costs.High Performance: CRS Infinite NAS offers high-speed data transfer rates and low latency, making it an ideal solution for businesses that need to store and access data quickly.Security: CRS Infinite NAS offers advanced security features, such as encryption and access controls, to ensure that data is stored and shared securely.CRS Infinite NAS is a cloud-based network-attached storage solution powered by Wasabi, which offers many benefits over traditional on-premises storage. With Infinite NAS, businesses can store, share, and access data securely and efficiently. Some of the key features and benefits of CRS Infinite NAS are:Some common use cases for CRS Infinite NAS include backup and recovery, media and entertainment, healthcare, and research and development. For example, businesses in the healthcare industry can use CRS Infinite NAS to securely store and share medical records and images with other healthcare professionals. Similarly, businesses in the media and entertainment industry can use CRS Infinite NAS to store large media files and make them easily accessible to users.Overall, CRS Infinite NAS is a powerful and cost-effective storage solution that can help businesses store and share data securely and efficiently. With its advanced features and benefits, CRS Infinite NAS, powered by Wasabi, is an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes that need to store large amounts of data. Experience hassle-free storage management with Wasabi Cloud NAS. Our solution provides the availability, capacity, durability, performance, reliability, and scalability your organization needs to manage your data effectively. Say goodbye to the hidden and overlooked time and costs associated with storage management and say hello to the simplicity of Wasabi Cloud infinite NAS
infinite capacity NASSimple to use. No disruption. Access data as usualWasabi Cloud NAS installs on a Microsoft Windows® server in five minutes without rebooting and immediately optimizes your storage and protects your data. There is no client software needed on end-user devices. Files moved to the cloud are replaced with zero-byte stub files in the NTFS file system. These stub files are placeholders that allow applications to function normally, as if the data exists in its original location.How It WorksAlways have free space available: Cloud NAS creates “bottomless” storage capacityPreserve current operations: No new file system to learnReduce capital costs: No more periodic equipment upgrades and data migration hasslesNo floor space required: Takes up zero floor space, no electricity necessary and no need for human maintenanceFeel confident: Far more reliable than most local storage:Protection from ransomwareRestore data from cloud if local drives fail or data is lost11 nines of data durability in the Wasabi cloudBenefits of Infinite Cloud NASInfinite NAS is the perfect solution for effortless data management. With its seamless and automatic data migration, administrators can define their storage policy and sit back while capacity is freed up on the primary server. Users and applications won't notice a thing, as off-loaded cold data can still be accessed in the same way as when it was on-premises. All your data is stored as "hot" and ready for use in the Wasabi cloud, making it easily accessible from anywhere. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual data management and hello to the simplicity of Infinite NAS.
OverviewIntelligent, ProactiveCloud Analytics for ISVsA powerful cloud analysis andinsights engine designed toautomate and optimize theoperations of Independent SoftwareVendors.With advanced analytics, automatedoptimization, and fraud detection features,Kalibr8 empowers ISVs to easily andimmediately streamline their own operationsand maximize their clients’ cloud and ITinvestments.AI & Machine LearningUse advanced techniques for ongoing policyimplementation, optimizing cloud growth andcontrolling expenses.Valuable Insights DeliverGain actionable insights to optimize performance.Real Time Fraud Detection & NotifierIdentifies anomalies in cloud resources related to fraudand abuse.Deep Insights into Cloud Cost & UsageUnderstand and monitor your cloud spend.Effective Governance & Financial MonitoringImplement governance for financial monitoring.Resource Usage PatternsEasily view and analyze cloud resource usage.Bottlenecks IdentificationDetect and address under/overprovisioning issues.Comprehensive Analytics SuiteTrain the suite to monitor, analyze GTM, and cloud costsfor better customer service.Azure & AWS Credits (Q4 2024) ManagementIncorporate analytics into consumption for better creditmanagement.Optimize performance,minimize cloud spend. Key BenefitsOur automated cloud optimizationand cost management platformprovides ISVs with an intuitive andefficient “single pane of glass” view,ensuring maximum value atminimal cost and effort.Visibility, Insights & ControlCopyright ©2024 Kalibr8 | All Rights Reserved |
OverviewImplement cost thresholds.Analyze customer subsets toforecast service delivery overheads.Identify & remediate old customerassets or unused resources.Predict the financial impact of changes.Optimize and save across different teams.Automated code deployment with rightsizedinfrastructure.ISV ManagementManage development teams as customers, especiallybeneficial pre-revenue.DevOps EfficiencySimplifies cloud infrastructure management for DevOpsImplement thresholds to prevent exceeding budget limits.Track & report back costs andsavings analysis.Copyright ©2024 Kalibr8 | All Rights Reserved | kalibr8.ioSeamless integration into daily workflows.Analyze costs and forecast future expenses.Identify and resolve bottlenecks and cost issues.Predefined Infrastructure Provides an efficient starting point for developers.Determine when to procure reservedinstances or savings plans.Predict financial impacts of infrastructure changes.Machine learning-driven identification and alerts forunusual usage patterns.Azure & AWS Credits (Q4 2024) ManagementIncorporate analytics into consumption for better creditmanagementCost ForecastingInformVisibility &AllocationOperateContinuous Improvement& OperationsOptimizeRates &UsageAutomated CloudOptimization & CostManagement PlatformKalibr8 provides an automated cloudoptimization and cost managementplatform with an intuititive and efficient“single pane of glass” view, ensuringmaximum value at minimum cost.Budget ControlCost GuardrailsCosts Saving ProjectsKalibr8 Auto DeploymentAzure Consumption TrackingInfrastructure Cost ForecastingRightsizing IdentificationIntegrated ToolingAnomaly DetectionBottleneck & Cost RemediationCost Analysis & Forecasting for ISVProactive RecommendationKey FeaturesAuto Deployment
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Pulseway Product PortfolioPulseway PSA is the most functionally rich businessmanagement solution on the market today, and cansupport all your business back-end requirements. Itincludes: Service Desk, CRM, Finance, ProjectManagement and Billing, Time and Expense, TrackingInventory Management.Pulseway is all in one Remote Monitoring andManagement software, designed to help MSPs and ITTeams reduce downtime and set new standards forefficiency through automation.Pulseway Ransomware Detection scans your networkfor suspicious file behavior. Determine & Automatewhat automated actions should be performed whensuspicious activity is detected.You can alsoautomatically kill malicious processes, isolate infectedmachines and shut down infected systems.Pulseway 3PP supports over 300+ of the most popularbusiness applications out of the box, with new titlesadded regularly. Our custom application feature allowsyou to easily add your own applications to this list.Pulseway is a secure and fully-featured endpointmanagement platform that empowers IT professionalsto remotely monitor, manage and secure everyendpoint. Pulseway now provides an extra layer ofefficiency boosting capabilities with native MobileDevice Management.Service Desk and more!Ransomware Detection Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)3rd Party Patching Mobile Device Management (Pulseway Add-on)(Pulseway Add-on)(Pulseway Add-on)MOBILE DEVICE MANAGEMENTEndpoint MonitoringPSA and Service DesksCyber-Security SolutionsVulScan is a powerful tool for complete and automatedvulnerability scanning. It detects and prioritizes theweaknesses that hackers can exploit, empowering you toharden networks of any size or type and creating anextra layer of cybersecurity protection.Vulnerability Scanner
1A fast, affordable, top-rated solution that delivers backup, replication, instant restore, disaster recovery, and infrastructure monitoring in a single pane of glass.With NAKIVO Backup & Replication, you can reliably protect your virtual, physical, cloud,and SaaS environments, ensure the consistency of application data, increase backup performance, and reduce backup size.• VM Backup: Create image-based, incremental backups of VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Nutanix AHV VMs.• Microsoft 365 Backup: Create incremental backups of Microsoft 365 data in Exchange Online, Teams, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Online.• File Share Backup: Back up network shares over SMB/NFS hosted on NAS devices as well as Windows and Linux machines.• Physical Machine Backup: Create image-based, incremental backups of Windows-based and Linux-based physical servers and workstations.• Amazon EC2 Backup: Create image-based, incremental backups of Amazon EC2 instances.• Oracle Backup: Create backups of Oracle databases via RMAN.• VMware Cloud Director Backup: Back up VMware Cloud Director objects, such as vApps, individual VMs, and storage policies.• Backup from Storage Snapshots: Create backups for VMware VMs hosted on HPE 3PAR and Nimble Storage devices directly from storage snapshots.• Backup to Cloud: Send backups to public clouds like Amazon S3, Wasabi, Backblaze B2 and Azure Blob Storage.• Backup to S3-Compatible Storage: Send backups to object storage platforms (from public and private cloud vendors) that use the S3 API.• Ransomware-Resilient Backups: Enable immutability for backups in public clouds, other S3-compatible cloud storage and local Linux-based repositories.• Backup to Tape: Send backup copies to physical tape libraries and AWS VTL; easily manage tape devices, cartridges, and backups. • Backup Copy: Create copies of your backups and send them to a remote site or a public cloud.• Global Deduplication: Deduplicate backups across the entire backup repository, regardless of the platform.• Instant Backup Verification: Instantly verify VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VM backups; get a report with screenshots of test-recovered machines.• Deduplication Appliance Integration: Send backups to deduplication appliances such as HPE StoreOnce, Dell EMC Data Domain, and NEC HYDRAstor with support for native deduplication protocols.Backup#1 Backup, Ransomware Protection and Site Recovery for Virtual, Physical, Cloud, and SaaS Environments98%5-star8 000+VMs300+Sites24,000+online communityreviewspaid customers across the Americas, Europe and Asiacustomer satisfactionwith supportLargest customersprotectNAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.8
Datasheet2Instant RecoveryRansomware ProtectionWith NAKIVO Backup & Replication, you can protect backups against new ransomware infections and improve backup reliability.• Air-Gapped Backups: Keep backups and backup copies offline (tape, detachable NAS, USB drives, etc.) for ultimate ransomware protection.• Immutable Backups in the Cloud: Make backups stored in public clouds (Amazon S3, Azure Blob, Backblaze B2, Wasabi) and other S3-compatible storage platforms immutable to protect them from ransomware and accidental changes• Local Ransomware-Proof Repository: Enable immutability for backups and backup copies sent to Linux-based local repositories.• Hardened VA/AMI: Deploy the solution as a pre-configured VA or AMI running Ubuntu Server and protect backup data from deletion and encryption by ransomware.With NAKIVO Backup & Replication, you can instantly recover VMs, files, andapplication objects directly from backups.• Instant VM Recovery: Boot VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VMs directly from backups; migrate booted VMs to production if necessary.• Instant Physical to Virtual (P2V): Instantly recover physical machinesfrom backups as VMware vSphere VMs.• Instant File Recovery: Instantly restore files and folders to their original location, to a custom location (local folder or SMB/NFS share), download to the browser, or forward via email as an attachment.• File Share Recovery: Recover entire file shares and specific files/folders inside shares to a custom location on SMB/NFS shares, send via email, or download to a browser.• Instant Object Recovery for Microsoft Exchange Server: Instantly recover emails and other Exchange objects to the original location or to a custom location (local folder or SMB share).• Instant Object Recovery for Microsoft Active Directory: Instantly recover users, user groups and other AD objects to the original location or to a custom location (local folder or SMB share).• Instant Object Recovery for Microsoft SQL Server: Instantly recover tables and databases to the original location or to a custom location (local folder or SMB share).• Universal Object Recovery: Recover individual objects by choosing arecovery point and mounting VM disks from the backup directly to another machine.• Cross-Platform Recovery: Export VM disks across platforms to recover VMware VMs to a Hyper-V environment and vice versa.Our Customers
3“NAKIVO Backup & Replicationinstalled on a Synology NAS provides us with reduced deployment time,minimized complexity, andimproved VM backup speedfor the whole district.”“The amount of storage space reduction we got with NAKIVO Backup & Replication was truly awesome. We achieved 3X reduction in storage space!”“With NAKIVO Backup & Replication, we have saved more than 50% vs. maintenance of our previous VM backup solution, and have additionally saved 25% more in storage space costs with better deduplication, lowering our backup expenses by 75% overall.” “NAKIVO Backup & Replication has saved us a tremendous amount of time and money. NAKIVO Backup & Replication provided us with a robust and cost-effective VM backup solution for protecting our virtual environment.” “NAKIVO Backup & Replication is simple and intuitive, it took me a little time to learn how to use it, and I didn’t have to read manuals.” DatasheetPerformanceAdministrationDisaster RecoveryNAKIVO Backup & Replication provides a simple web interface and comeswith great features to help you save time and resources on data protectionactivities.• Versatile Deployment: Deploy as a virtual appliance/AMI, install onLinux or Windows OS, or on a NAS to create an all-in-one backup appliance.• Policy-Based Protection: Automatically back up and replicate machines that match policy rules based on specified parameters (machine name, size, location, tag, etc.).• Calendar Dashboard: View all past, current, and future jobs in a simple calendar view.• Overview Dashboard: Get a status summary of all your data protection activities, solution components, and issues to address in simple widgets.• Role-Based Access Control: Assign preset and custom roles andassociated rights and permissions to users to apply the principle of least privilegeWith NAKIVO Backup & Replication, you can boost backup, replication, andrecovery speeds by up to 2 times and reduce network load by as much as 50%.• Native Change Tracking: Use native change tracking technologies (VMware CBT, Hyper-V RCT, Nutanix AHV CRT, Microsoft 365 delta query) to identify changes without reading the full source data and create faster incremental backups.• LAN-Free Data Transfer: Use the HotAdd or Direct SAN Access modes to increase data transfer speeds and offload production networks.• Network Acceleration: Increase performance in busy LAN and WAN environments with built-in network acceleration.• Bandwidth Throttling: Limit the speed of backup data transfers by configuring global or per-job bandwidth rules, especially during working hours.With NAKIVO Backup & Replication, you can perform VM replication and orchestrate the disaster recovery process with the built-in Site Recovery functionality.• VM Replication: Create and maintain VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VM replicas, which are identical copies of source VMs.• Replication from Backup: Create VM replicas directly from backups to reduce the load on the source host, free up valuable resources, and save time.• Amazon EC2 Instance Replication: Create and maintain Amazon EC2 instance replicas, which are identical copies of your source instances.• Site Recovery: Create disaster recovery workflows and perform scheduled non-disruptive recovery testing, planned failover, emergency failover, failback, and datacenter migration with one click.• Application Support: Ensure the consistency of applications and databases, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Active Directory, and Microsoft SQL Server.• Replica Verification: Instantly verify VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VM replicas; get a report with screenshots of test-recovered machines.Customer Quotes Roland Kalijurand, IT Manager,Radisson Park InnJeong-Hyun Cho, Systems Manager, Seoul City Gas Rick Braddy, Founder and CEO/CTO, SoftNAS, Inc.Tony Burrus, CTO, Compton Unified School DistrictAndrew Arensburger, IT Manager, The University of Maryland
Datasheet4NAKIVO Backup & Replication provides a simple way for managed service providers (MSPs) to deliver backup as a service (BaaS) and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS).• Multi-Tenancy: Create multiple isolated tenants within one product instance and manage them from a single pane of glass.• Unified MSP Console: Manage and monitor clients’ standalone instances of NAKIVO Backup & Replication (remote tenants) as well as local tenants from the same dashboard.• Self-Service: Offload data protection and recovery tasks to tenants via the self-service portal.• Tenant Resource Allocation: Allocate data protection infrastructure resources (hosts, clusters, individual VMs, Backup Repositories) to tenants.• Direct Connect: Access remote environments via a single port connection without requiring a VPN connection.NAKIVO Backup & Replication provides a powerful set of tools for monitoring the VM infrastructure.• Complete Visibility: Monitor CPU, RAM, and disk usage of VMware vSphere hosts and VMs, as well as disk usage of VMware vSphere datastores.• Comprehensive Analytics: Get accurate and relevant results with real-time and historical data.• Efficient Administration: Detect bottlenecks, investigate issues, and anticipate future needs.• User-Friendly Interface: Readable layout for all the data available in the same console where you manage backup activities.• Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for NAKIVO Backup & Replication to prevent hackers from accessing your data protection activities.• Microsoft Active Directory Integration: Integrate with Microsoft Active Directory and map user groups to NAKIVO Backup & Replication user roles.• Global Search: Instantly find VMs, backups, replicas, jobs, repositories, Transporters, and other objects; act on search results.• Job Chaining: Link jobs so they run one after another. For example, a successful VM backup job to a local storage destination can start a Backup Copy job to copy the newly created backups to a public cloud.• API: Integrate NAKIVO Backup & Replication with monitoring, automation, and orchestration solutions via HTTP API.• Persistent Agent: Install a persistent agent on VM guest OSs and perform file-level recoveries without the need to input VM credentials.• Self-Backup: Back up and recover system configuration (jobs, inventory, logs, settings, etc.).• Live Chat with Tech Support: Get help without leaving the solution web interface.BaaS and DraaSVMware MonitoringNAKIVO Awards5-star rating backup5-star rating backup5-star rating backupLeader Summer 2021Techgenix Gold AwardCategory Leaders 2022Top Performer - ServerBackup Software 2021Gold Award Data ProtectionSoftware Informer Editor’s Pick
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